Special Offers at Burrow Cottage

If you would like to request a special offer please complete the form below and click send.  If you would like a call back to confirm your request, please put your phone number on the form.  Please note we will accept shorter bookings than the offers shown below.  Fill in the form and request the days that suit you.  You will get a bargain!

If you want a few nights away try the Burrow.

Just ask Pete for your ideal break.

Please note.  If you have to cancel your holiday we will refund your payments in full.

In these inflationary times we have tried to keep our prices the same as last year.

Electricity is included in the price and you can have as many logs as you want for the woodburner!


Fill in the form below or call  07825 398928 to book.



Special Offer:  Grab a short notice bargain:

Start:  Saturday 12th Oct

End: Saturday 19th Oct

The cost for the week is £395


Special Offer:  Another bargain offer:

Start:  Saturday 16 November

End: Saturday 23 November

The cost for the week is £345

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