Our Flock of Kerry Hill Sheep

Kerry Hill Sheep
We keep a small flock of rare breed Kerry Hill Sheep. These sheep originated in Powys Wales and take their name from the small village of Kerry near Newton. The Sheep have very distinctive markings with black noses, eyes, ears and knees.
Our lambs are born in early April. If the weather is good they are born in the field. If the weather is bad we move the flock into the cart lodge next to the parking area. All the newborn lambs are bought into the cart lodge so that we can check that they are feeding reliably and that their mother is healthy. This gives our guests an excellent opportunity to view the new arrivals at very close quarters. They are so delightful – the Kerry Hill lambs are so pretty!

The Field
The sheep and lambs are in the field next to the cottage. We generally have between 25 to 30 lambs depending on the year. They are fantastic to watch: they frolic in the field and are very entertaining they will run as a group, suddenly stop, and then run in the other direction! We call it lamb TV!
The Main Flock
These are our Breeding Ewes. Each of these ladies are our friends. They are with us for quite a few years and definitely have their own specific characters. People say that sheep are dumb animals – they are not! They know our moods and can adapt accordingly. We love our sheep!

Our Kerry Hill Ram
The Ram lives with the Ewes for most of the year. In the Autumn he is kept separate from the girls. We put him back with the Ewes in early November so that we know exactly when the lambs are due.
Our Wool
Each year our sheep are sheared. This year we have donated the wool to the Worsted Weavers. They are a fantastic bunch of enthusiasts who can turn our wool into fantastic products. Hopefully we will be able to offer some of their products to our guests at the Burrow. Visit their website to learn more.