Burrow Cottage Availability and Booking
The calendar below shows the availability at Burrow Cottage. The dates marked in green are available, those in red are already booked. To make a booking request click on the dates that you require including your arrival and departure days (they will turn blue). Complete the form below and click the ‘Submit Booking Enquiry’. We will get back to you confirming availability and the cost for the period that you requested.
To ensure that we have enough time to clean and prepare the cottage we ask our guests to arrive anytime after 1500 and on your leaving date to depart before 1030.
We do try and accommodate your requirements in terms of arrival and departure dates. However, please be aware that the minimum stay at the Burrow is 2 nights . If you have any questions please click here or give us a call on 07825 398928.
A weeks stay at Burrow Cottage will cost between £360 for the low season £420 for the mid season and £550 for high season. Shorter breaks are possible and will be less expensive. If you bring a dog we will charge an extra £10 for each dog.
We take a £50 deposit with the booking, the remainder due a month before your arrival date. We take payment by Bank Transfer (BACs), by cheque or by credit card using Paypal (you do not need a Paypal account to use this method). All payments are acknowledged by email.
Should you need to cancel your holiday we will refund all payments.
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